
Your Financial Benefits

MoveFlux gives you software, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and related services. Together, we apply these to give your networkers what they want.

Using our products will improve your net promoter scores and enable you to secure additional attendees and revenues. This is particularly relevant when each attendee from an organization has to pay. In these cases, you will secure the additional attendees from an organization already committed to attending.

What is more, this will particularly increase retention when customers are cutting back spending and have to reduce the number of conferences or attendees at which they exhibit or to which they attend.

The results will be both direct and indirect financial benefits for you.


Paid Networking Groups

Let’s say, 1,000 customers each pay you $1,000 for annual membership. If 20% of them actively churn, then that’s $200K in revenues gone. A 33-50% reduction in this active churn rate could mean you get back $67-100 K annually!

Before your customers actively churn -- by canceling or not paying the membership renewal fee -- they show behavior that could predict what’s coming. By using our tools, you will get better data -- conversational dialogues, human emotions and feelings -- and faster data more frequently. This means together, we can head off customers before they go to the brink of the churn cliff.

Happier customers will buy higher priced products from you. Mr. Rogers was happy with a networking group where he paid three grand a year. So, he signed up his nineteen-year-old son. You want this too. You want positive referrals from existing customers so you can acquire new customers without spending marketing dollars.

Moveflux’s products can keep your customers happy by ensuring that their matches are the ultra-specific types of people they are looking to meet. This also makes your customers feel like their valuable, irreplaceable time is respected and used wisely. This builds trust and warmth towards your brand that will translate into many years of revenues.

When you offer new products with cool technology and data-driven insights, people will find that usefully appealing. And respond more to your sales and marketing efforts. This means that you can acquire sub-segments of new customers at lower costs than you do today.

Finally, the behavioral data that you collect is quite valuable. This data forms the basis for a practical analytics and artificial intelligence framework. This PAI (rhymes with chai) method will let you learn. From that learning, together, we will help you take small, measurable concrete steps ( instead of some pie in the sky buzzwords as an artificial intelligence strategy).

Your communication metrics will improve because more customers will respond to you. And when they respond, they will be happy to be talking to you whether it’s over Skype, Facebook Messenger, Slack or SMS.

Whether it’s lifetime value, churn rate, revenues per customer, prospect referral per customer, or acquisition costs, MoveFlux can help.